Emory Anthropology: Programs of Study

Anthropology Majors
Our department is built around three subdisciplines of anthropology -- archaeology, biological anthropology, and sociocultural anthropology. These are not conceptualized as semi-autonomous units, but they serve as the basis for generating intellectual synergies that cut across the three subdisciplines. Our research concentrations are an expression of these synergies, bringing together faculty research interests from the subdisciplines and catalyzing exciting collaborations within the department -- and beyond.

Anthropology Minors
Several programs and departments offer majors and minors in fields which complement the anthropology major. For example, anthropology majors often choose to double major or minor in African Studies, Women's Studies, Human Health, Biology, Psychology, Linguistics, Religion, etc. Current faculty research concentrations:
• Race, inequality, and social justice
• Evolution, environment, and cognition
• Health, development, and sustainability
• Technologies, ethics, and worldmaking

Graduate Program
Anthropology, by its very nature, is an interdisciplinary enterprise and is sought out by many other disciplines for cross-fertilization of ideas. The Anthropology graduate program at Emory encompasses three subdisciplines: archaeology, biological anthropology, and cultural anthropology, placing special emphasis on cultivating dialogues and combinations of people, interests, and ideas. The program balances rigorous courses with a tutorial approach to advanced subjects and is designed to be intense and demanding for both students and faculty.