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Craig HadleyProfessor, QTM and Anthropology


  • PhD, University of California - Davis, 2003



  • Global health
  • Demography
  • Nutritional adaptation
  • Africa

My research centers on the social and cultural production of health and is at the intersection of anthropological demography, population studies, public health nutrition, and population health. I am interested in issues of food insecurity and how uncertain and unpredictable household environments influence physical and mental wellbeing across the life course and across generations. This interest is motivated by the observations that food insecurity and hunger are increasing in many parts of the world, that 850 million people go to bed hungry each night, and hunger kills more people than HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria, combined. Recent increases in the demand for meat, volatility in regional and local production, and non-food used of grains will all place upward pressure on food prices. This trend will have a dramatic impact on access to food. Understanding the consequences of these changes and the impact of food insecurity on population health motivated much of my research program.

With colleagues, I am also examining the occurrence of food insecurity among refugees and immigrants to the US and examining how insecure access to food might generate health disparities.

Finally, much of my research also touches on issues of infant and young child feeding practices, and how cultural norms around infant feeding impact on health and demographic outcomes. In Ethiopia and Tanzania we are also exploring the potential intergenerational transmission of infant and young child feeding behaviors. All of the above projects are multi-method, multi-disciplinary, multi-university and multi-country collaborative projects.


  • ANT 201 Concepts and Methods in Biological Anthropology
  • ANT 311 Nutritional Anthropology
  • ANT 385 Introduction to Global Health
  • ANT 585 Biocultural Approaches to Food and Nutrition
  • ANT 585 Demographic Anthropology