John LindoAssociate Professor
- Provost's Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Chicago, 2015-2017
- PhD, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 2015
- MA, University of Pennsylvania, 2010
- Ancient DNA
- Population Genetics
- Pathogen-Host Interactions
- Canine Social Evolution
- Human Adaptation to Changing Environments
- The Biological Effects of Colonization
- The Americas
My lab specializes in both the molecular and computational aspects of Ancient DNA research. By utilizing an integrative approach, including ancient whole genomes, statistical modeling, and functional methods, the lab examines genetic fluctuations that have occurred in different environments over time, thereby pointing to genetic traits that can inform more fine-grained hypotheses of adaptation. Current research is focused on identifying temporally-extended sets of molecular traits relevant to changes in human population density, changes in social stratification, the adoption of agriculture, local pathogens, high altitude adaptation, and environmental changes caused by European contact (e.g., disease, warfare, and social alterations). The lab is also focused on uncovering regional human population history in the Americas and linking individuals and communities to the multi-faceted ancient civilizations that existed before the colonial era.