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Field School Opportunities & Graduate Programs
The lists below are a compilation of opportunities that have come across our desk here in the department. Rather than forwarding emails every day, we will continue to update this webpage with new information that comes in.
Field School and Summer Opportunities
Most field schools are for summer, some can be semester-long. They do have out-of-pocket costs, though several have scholarships available. Check out each link below for more details and up-to-date information about deadlines and scholarships. Please note that Emory Anthropology has no particular association with these organizations.
- Archaeotek. Archaeology, bioarchaeology, and osteology in Transylvania.
- Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project. Maya Archaeology. San Ignacio, Belize.
- Blackfriary Archaeology Field School - Archaeology in Trim, Ireland
- CIFAS - Field School in Ethnographic Research Methods in New York City, NY. Apply by March 15, 2024.
- Dagara Music Center. Traditional music and dance in Ghana. (Facebook)
- DANTA. Tropical Bio, Conservation, and Primate field courses. Costa Rica.
- Etzanoa Field School. Archaeological field school, Microfossil workshop. Etzanoa site, Kansas (through Wichita State University).
- Field Projects International. Wildlife, Primate, Field Genomics field courses. Various locations.
- Galway Archaeological Field School. Archaeology in Galway, Ireland.
- Himalayan Health Exchange. Medical and Socio-cultural Anthropology expeditions in the Western Himalayas (India/Tibet).
- Historic St. Mary’s City(HSMC) Historical Archaeology Field School. Historical archaeology. Historic St. Mary’s City, Maryland.
- Huari-Ancash Bio-Archaeological Research Project Field School. Bioarchaeology in Huari, Peru.
- Institute for Field Research (IFR). Summer field school offering programs around the world in a variety of areas including archaeology, paleontology, geology, ethnomusicology, museum studies, environmental studies, primatology, conservation, and cultural anthropology. (scholarships)
- International Center for Development Studies. Semester or summer programs in Costa Rica.
- Koobi Fora Field School. Paleoanthropology in Kenya (through George Washington University)
- Maya Research Program. Archaeological fieldwork / Ethnographic research in Belize. (through University of Texas at Tyler). Funding resources.
- Mortuary Arch Field School, Poland.
- Off the Beaten Track. Summer School for Anthropologists. Gozo, Malta.
- Operation Groundswell. Backpacking and service. Various locations.
- Olduvai Field School. Paleoanthropology and Geology Field School at Olduvai, Tanzania. Through Indiana University.
- Saha Global. Summer Global Leadership Program.
- Semester in Development by Insight Global Education. Fiji or Uganda.
- SRAS (School of Russian and Asian Studies).
- Advertised program: Central Asian Studies. Linguistic Anthropology - Identity and Ethnicity.
- Advertised program: Georgian Foodways. Republic of Georgia.
- Transylvania Bioarchaeology. Bioarchaeology in Transylvania.
- University of Chicago Summer Programs. Summer Institute in Social Research Methods, other programs.
- University of Maryland, College Park. Archaeology in Annapolis field school in historical archaeology. Annapolis and Easton, MD.
- The University of the South. Field School in Historical Archaeology. Tennessee.
Graduate School Opportunities
These are just a few of the possible options for graduate study in Anthropology, but they are the ones who have reached out specifically to advertise to our students.
- Univ of Aberdeen, Scotland – Archaeology and osteoarchaeology masters programs
- Australian National University - Master of Applied Anthropology & Participatory Development. In-person or online.
- Boston University - MS in Medical Anthropology & Cross-Cultural Practice
- Brown University - MA in Public Humanities
- Univ of Chicago - PhD in Comparative Human Development
- Eastern University - MA in Theological and Cultural Anthropology
- Emory University - PhD in Anthropology
- PhD or graduate certificate in Jewish Studies.
- Case Western Reserve University - MA or PhD in MedAnth/Global Health.
- Columbia University - One-year MS in Human Nutrition
- Georgia State University – MA in Anthropology
- Heidelberg University, Germany. MA in Transcultural Studies. MA Health/Society in South Asia.
- Mississippi State University - MA in Applied Anthropology
- Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - PhD in Anthropology
- Univ of Kansas (KU) – Masters in Museum Studies
- University of Minnesota - Masters programs in Archaeology, Biological Anth, Sociocultural Anth.
- Univ Missouri – Masters and Doctoral programs in Anthropology
- University of North Texas - Masters in Applied Anthropology.
- Univ of Notre Dame - Doctoral program in Anthropology
- San Diego State University (SDSU) - Masters in General or Applied Anthropology
- SUNY Binghamton – Masters in Biomedical Anthropology
- Univ Texas San Antonio – Masters and Doctoral programs in environmental anthropology
- Univ Utah – Master of Public Health, campuses in the US, South Korea, and Ghana.
- Utah State University – MS in Archaeology/Cultural Resource Management
- Wichita State University – MA programs in Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Museum Studies.